Monday 16 May 2016

Isis in Libya: West takes first steps towards military engagement to counter jihadi threat

A UN arms embargo is set to be amended to allow weapons to be sent to the Government of National Accord which is seeking to establish itself in Tripoli

Fighters loyal to Libya's GNA prepare to launch attacks 

against Isis as they continue their resistance on the outskirts 

of the western city of Sirte Getty

Western powers are taking their first steps back towards military engagement in Libya with proposals to supply the country’s UN brokered government with weapons and train its’ forces.
An International summit in Vienna declared that a current UN arms embargo imposed on the country should be amended to allow weapons to be sent to the Government of National Accord (GNA) which is seeking to establish itself in the capital, Tripoli, after arriving recently from neighbouring Tunisia.
All five permanent members of the UN Security Council and 15 other countries attending the meeting have agreed on a communique stating that they are “ready to respond to the Libyan government's requests for training and equipping of forces” to counter Isis and other extremist groups.

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